Monday, July 1, 2013

Days 49 – 61

Monday July 1st, 2013

I’m doing a crappy job of keeping my blog updated.

Over the past couple of weeks everything has been fine. My last shot of Neulasta wasn’t as bad as the past 2 times, but it still hurt. I was on top of my medicine so it didn’t hurt as much.

I went to the Dr. last week about my radiation treatment. I’ll be doing 20 sessions over a 4 week period starting July 15th. I go in for the facial mapping today. I was told that I could pull through without any lasting side-effects if I manage to do a few things. I need to keep the treatment site moisturized and use dry mouth products like Biotene mouthwash and salt water rinses. I need to start exercising so I can manage any fatigue that I may get from the treatment near the last two weeks, which I was told could be the toughest.

Well that is about it. 2 weeks and all I have is a paragraph.

My Tong Ren sessions have been helping me with my energy, even though I’ve missed a few because I was in treatment.
Work has been keeping me busy and active throughout the day.

I go to see my Dr. again on July 12th. I’ll be able to find out more about how good my blood work has been doing and how much I can challenge my immune system. Things like colds, sun exposure, cuts, and other people’s germs are my concerns. We’ve had some really nice days and I can’t even drive with the top down because of the sun exposure.

Maybe I'll update weekly until the radiation starts.

If there isn't anything going on, who wants to read about nothing?