Thursday, July 18, 2013

Days 77 - 78

Thursday July 18th, 2013

Well radiation has been going smooth.

I really hate driving into Boston in the morning.

My treatment schedule time changes the last week of July to 12:12pm. I'll be able to go to work in the morning and suffer my way into town after.

I got stung by a bee or something yesterday and I have a nice red welt on my back. This is what I was talking about trying to avoid until I was told that my immune system could handle things like this.

I've got some more of my Mom's books that I'm donating to the hospital. I'll keep bringing in a bag of books until they're all gone. They push a book cart around to the patients rooms
and offer them something to read, but they can't return the book, they have to keep it or it will get thrown away.

Well that's all that I have for now.