Hi All,
Well we had our appt's with BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant) and Oncology today and this is what came out of it.
agreed that the disease has grown in one tumor and is still growing. A
PET/CT scan on Friday will determine how much. We agreed that with just
the herbs alone it isn't enough to manage the disease at it's stage. We
agreed that moving forward with more EPOCH chemo that I did back in 2013 (refer to this
blog post)
would be better because I responded very well to it followed by a stem
cell transplant with donor cells. The stem cell transplant may not even
take place because I can refuse it if all is looking great.
encouraged me to keep dosing on the herbs through treatment because I
responded very well in regards to the smaller tumor by completely eliminating it. As long as I remain
responsive to the herbs after the chemo I may get support from BMT and
Oncology not to move forward with the stem cell and continue dosing on my herbal protocol.
I have the scan on Friday and I'll be admitted for more chemo late Friday morning.
looking at 4-5 cycles. After 2 cycles we'll do another scan. After 4
cycles we'll do another scan. Their concern is to show that the tumor is
shrinking or gone completely. Either way I'm going to continue dosing
and eventually it will be brought to it's knees.
The fight goes on another round.
This is what you didn't know.
the past couple of months I put together a small tight Inner-Circle of
people that believe with fire in their eyes and without fear in their
hearts, in my strength, my confidence in my herbal advisors and my
decision back in June not to move forward with more chemo. I had no
choice but to shut others in the dark to avoid their malicious
psychological attacks. That negative energy is a cancer within itself
and it offends me.
had gotten off to a slow start gathering the herbs that I was going to
mega dose on and some changes were made along the way. Not going at full
force until July 6th, Here is what it narrowed down to.
Essiac: 6oz 3x a day 7:30a – 3:30p – 11:30p
Graviola: 1300Mg 4x a day 5:30a –
11:30a – 5:30p – Bedtime
Turmeric Curcumin with 3mg Pepper Extract: 500mg 3x a day
& Wheatgrass Smoothie: 16oz
2-3x a day
Seeds: 4 seeds 3x a day
& Soursop Tea: Every morning
Fresh Graviola Leaf Tea: Tea: Once a day
Sodium Bicarbonate: 1tsp per16oz water once or more a day depending on PH output
Tong Ren Therapy: Every Saturday
Acupuncture: Once or more x a Month
Tai Chi Dao Yin: Daily
Rene Cassie and Eissac
This modest Canadian nurse discovered a natural herbal
formula she took no money for it and died in relative obscurity.
Rene didn't feel herself a writer so she never wrote an
autobiography. She did, however, write a series of articles entitled "I
Was Canada's Cancer Nurse" which was published in the seventies with
Bracebridge Examiner. Additionally, a collection of her writing and interviews
was published posthumously in the Bracebridge Examiner. She wrote a brief
biography of her family and their settlement in Bracebridge, which you can read
in her own words
http://www.essiacinfo.org/caisse_pop_3.htm Tens of thousands of people have rid themselves of cancer
using Essiac. You can purchase Essiac at
Beware of other websites that do not have the original formula.
In the mid 1920s, Rene Caisse was head nurse at the Sisters of
Providence Hospital in a northern Ontario town. While on duty, Rene was
bathing an elderly lady and noticed that one of her breasts had a lot of
scar tissue on it. Upon questioning the lady, she learned that the
women had advanced breast cancer 30 years earlier. The woman further
explained that she had met a old Indian medicine man who told her he
could cure her cancer. She said that she had no money at that time, and
didn’t want to have an operation anyway, so she went to see the Indian.
He showed her certain herbs growing in the area and told her to pick
them and make a tea and to drink it every day.
She had no re-occurrence of cancer to that day, 30 years later.
In 1922, Rene named the formula “Essiac” after the backward spelling
of her own last name, Caisse. The recipe from “a very old Indian
Medicine Man,” allows for many stories and theories. There has never
been “proof” of the actual tribal heritage of the Medicine Man who
offered this formula, as many Native American Tribes lived in the area
at the time.
Rene Caisse spent her life working with this herb tea, until she died
in 1978 at the age of 90. For a time, the Canadian Minister of Health
allowed Rene to treat certain terminally ill patients in her Bracebridge
clinic. According to Rene, many of the people she treated reported they
were helped by the remedy while others claimed living with their
illness was made more bearable.
The Herbs used in Essiac are:
Burdock root (Arctium lappa)
Used traditionally to help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, support a healthy immune response.
Sheep sorrel leaves (Rumex Acetosella)
Used in traditional folk herbalism to cool the body, create
sweating and detoxification through the skin: useful in maintaining a
healthy kidney and urinary functions.
Slippery elm inner bark (Ulmus fulva)
North American species of tree. The inner bark nourishes and
soothes organs, tissues and mucus membranes and supports lung health. *
It also helps normal digestion.
Indian rhubarb root (Rheum officinale)
Used traditionally in small amounts, this herb helps purge
the liver of toxic buildup and waste that accumulates through normal
daily life.
Anything more or less that this is not Authentic Essiac and should be avoided!
Ojibwa Tea of Life makes the same exact recipe that was given to Rene Caisse and used. Visit
Ojibwa Tea Of Life to Order.
The Mighty Moringa Tree
Every part of the Moringa tree can be used in medical
Moringa oleifera has an impressive range of medicinal uses
with high nutritional value and medicinal benefits. Different parts of Moringa
contain a profile of important minerals and are a good source of protein,
vitamins, beta-carotene, amino acids and various phenolics. Moringa provides a
rich and rare combination of zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic
acid and kaempferol.
Moringa can act as cardiac and circulatory stimulants,
possess antitumor, antipyretic, antiepileptic, antiinflammatory, antiulcer,
antispasmodic, diuretic, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antioxidant,
antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial and antifungal activities, and
are being employed for the treatment of different ailments in the indigenous
system of medicine.
Traditional cultures in various parts of the world have long
used Moringa in their herbal medicine repertoire for ailments ranging from gout
to various inflammations and fevers. Some of the remedies are described here
but there is no guarantee they will work for every case!
1. A Rich
Nutritional Profile
Moringa leaves are loaded with vitamins, minerals, essential
amino acids, and more. One hundred grams of dry moringa leaf contains:
- 9
times the protein of yogurt
- 10
times the vitamin A of carrots
- 15
times the potassium of bananas
- 17
times the calcium of milk
- 12
times the vitamin C of oranges
- 25
times the iron of spinach
2. Antioxidants
3. Lower Blood Sugar
4. Reduce
5. Maintain Healthy
Cholesterol Levels
6. Protect Against
Arsenic Toxicity
If you’re just looking to try Moringa Powder you can find it
at most health food stores and vitamin stores.
supplies a good brand of Moringa Powder at an affordable price. You can
also find Fresh Moringa Leaves and Tea in most Asian markets.
Guanabana is known by a variety of names -- including soursop,
cherimoya, custard apple, Brazilian paw paw and graviola. However you recognize this versatile tree, one
aspect is clear: guanabana provides powerful relief from a a wide scope of
disease. Tackling cancer, herpes, parasites, infections and more, guanabana is
an important player in the battle against ill health.
A natural, inexpensive and effective treatment for cancer --
and just about everything else
Revered for centuries in South America and Southeast Asia,
the bark, leaves, root, seeds and fruit have been used to tame heart disease,
asthma, liver issues and arthritis. Guanabana is also helpful for treating
sleep disorders, fevers and cough. According to the article,
"Guanabana--Medicinal Uses?" extracts of the plant:
- Attack
cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy that does not
cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss.
- Protect
the immune system.
- Boost
energy and outlook on life.
- Effectively
target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer -- including colon,
breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
- Proved
to be up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells
than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug.
- Selectively
kill only cancer cells, unlike traditional chemotherapy treatments.
As far back as the 1970s, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) investigated the merits of
guanabana, and discovered the stems and leaves of the tree were successful in
destroying cancer cells. "Inexplicably, the results [of the NCI research]
were published in an internal report and never released to the public. Since 1976, guanabana has proven to be an immensely potent
cancer killer in 20 independent laboratory tests, but as of now, no
double-blind clinical trials," reports Christopher Lane, Ph.D., in
Psychology Today.
You can find Guanabana under many names in some health food
stores and vitamin shops.
has Graviola 750 (325mg) in some select stores if you're looking for
something local to you. I chose to order a stronger dose at 650mg per
capsule and I get them directly from
Betterlifenutri.com or
Amazon.com. The
benefits of
this fruit in aiding your fight against disease are simply amazing. More and
more articles are popping up about Guanabana. Check out one of last years on
published a nice read in 2008. Even
Sloan Kettering has published an article about Guanabana.
If you’re interested in Fresh Graviola leaves you can get
them directly from the Caribbean from
They will mail you approximately 500 Graviola leaves for $30 so you can make
your own Tea and other recipes. You can also find Soursop Tea and juice in some Asian markets in the tea isle.
Tom Tam - Acupuncture & Tong Ren
Tom Tam’s Tong Ren Anti-Cancer Healing group. Tom Tam is one
of our modern day pioneers in Bio-electricity, Piezo-electricity, Sonar
Frequency Therapy, and Quantum Healing. More info and class schedule and
locations at
tomtam.com View live classes
with an open mind at
The Benefits of Turmeric for Cancer Treatment.
You can find fresh Turmeric root in some health food stores and
Asian Food Markets and use it like Ginger and make a tea with some Black
Pepper. You can also find Turmeric in both capsule and extract formulas. I'm using
Nature's Truth Turmeric with 3mg Black Pepper from
Turmeric has been used in the Chinese and Indian
pharmacopoeia for thousands of years. It is known for its powerful
anti-inflammatory properties, used in treating several conditions such as
toothache, chest pain, urinary tract infection, flatulence, jaundice, menstrual
discomforts, bruises, hemorrhage, and colic.
Today, researchers are investigating the countless benefits
of turmeric and it has shown incredible promise in the prevention and treatment
of cancer.
Turmeric’s active ingredient is an extracted compound called
curcumin. Studies have shown that curcumin helps prevent several forms of
cancer including breast, lung, stomach, liver, and colon because of its
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It stops the development of
cancer by interfering with the cellular signaling aspects of the chronic
Lab results have found curcumin capable of ;
- Inhibiting
COX-2, an enzyme that causes negative inflammation, which can lead to
- Impeding
vascular epithelial growth (a polypeptide that stimulates new blood
supply) to starve cancer cells of their oxygen and fuel source.
- Inducing
a tumor suppressor gene.
- Stopping
metastasis (spread from one organ to another) of cancer cells.
- Killing
large cell B-cell lymphoma cells (the most common reason for non-Hodgkin
- Preventing
regrowth of cancer stem cells.
Based on a 2011 study conducted by the University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center, researchers found that the curcumin extract
effectively differentiates between cancer cells and normal cells while
activating cancer cell death (apoptosis).
Sodium Bicarbonate:
That is where I'm at right now.
I will continue my herbal protocols throughout chemo treatment.
going to be brutally honest with you. If you're not onboard with my
choices and have no real knowledge or experience in my choices. If all
you have is doubt and fear in your heart and a lack of confidence in me
then I really don't (add necessary expletives) care what you think or
have to say! So keep it to yourself. If you want to do something for
yourself, follow the links above and educate yourselves. I just did
their holy (add necessary expletives) grail of treatments and this is
what I got out of it. Nothing. And all they wanted to do was do more of
the same failing treatments.
successfully annihilated one tumor from behind the 8-ball and we will
cut the larger tumor down to size which was measured at 8.4cm on
Jul-18th and eliminate that with a combination of chemo and very potent
herbs. We've proven to Team MGH that these herbs are no joke. Sometimes
the enemy is stronger than the army fighting against it and Team MGH is
going to kill them all on Friday. Make no (add necessary expletives) mistake about it, I am
taking this fight very serious. With the support of my Inner-Circle We've gotten this far safely!!!
said more than once, if you want to demonstrate your strength than
bring in on, because I do not need your weakness. This is me being me
and hopefully I haven't offended anyone or offended anyone that bad.
Don't take what you read personal because nothing is directed at anyone.
I have to say what I say, just as I said it in order to stop malicious
psychological attacks dead in their tracks.
I love all of you and I'm grateful to have your love in my life!!!
We are Stronger Together Than We Are Alone.
(add necessary expletives) Hillary because I've been saying this longer than her. I should get a quarter cent for every stronger together banner.
- Anthony
Team Tarallo